Have you ever said that your vote doesn’t count? You probably said this in a moment of frustration when some seemingly stupid legislation just passed or a government official did something that defied common sense. It was as if they just ignored your thoughts and your values when they acted.
So why should you vote? Moreover, why should you take the time to make your vote an informed vote? Take the time to study all the materials and do the research so that your vote will be cast based on facts and truths rather than hyperbole and supposition. Why is your vote so important?
Our Founding Fathers specifically chose our republican-democracy form of government because it offered the best promise of finding the will of the People on any measure under consideration. The will of the People – that’s another way of saying the majority opinion and that is an elusive commodity in any government action. Remember that our system of democracy involves debate and compromise before a vote is taken. And, that vote is a reflection of the majority opinion on that question at that time.
When somebody doesn’t vote, they are allowing the majority opinion to be swayed away from reality. Failure to vote will clearly lead to an outcome that does not reflect the facts and truths of the entire constituency. Failure to vote sends a message that you don’t care what is done in your name.
The vote doesn’t always go our way, but if we vote we know that the vote accurately reflects the will of the majority on that day at that time. After all, the accurate reflection of the will of the majority of the People of these United States of America is exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind.
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